Thursday, 7 February 2013


Blast at restaurant kills five in Afghanistan
The former militantcommander, Mohammad Nadir, was among seven people
wounded in the blast in the upscale district of Khwaja Sabz Poshi Wali,
Batash said, adding that two suspects had been arrested. Nobody claimed
responsibility for the blast.

Mexico deadly blast caused by gas leak
Financial Times
Mexican authorities said a build-up of gas led to a blast that killed at
least 37 people last week at the headquarters of Pemex, raising further
questions about the state oil company's safety record but potentially
laying to rest rumors of foul play ...

Mexico: Fatal oil HQ blast blamed on gas leak
The Independent
The blast occurred at the Pemex office complex in Mexico City on Thursday,
prompting speculation that it may have been a deliberate act of sabotage.
But officials said on Monday that no trace of explosives had been found.
The Attorney General, Jesus ...

Bulgaria Implicates Hezbollah in July Attack on Israelis
New York Times
Jerusalem; Hwaida Saad from Beirut, Lebanon; and Michael R. Gordon from
Washington. A version of this article appeared in print on February 6,
2013, on page A6 of the New York edition with the headline: Bulgaria Ties
Hezbollah to Blast on Israelis ...

North Korea Steals Stirring Blast Footage From Activision's Modern Warfare 3
If you watch one paranoid fever dream video of a missle-blown New York set
to a Muzak version of “We Are The World,” make it this one. While the
prospect of mass nuclear annihilation isn't funny, what is funny is this
video from the official North ...

Kickstarter project says open source can blast Death Star costs
Barack Obama's deluded decision to deny a petition asking the USA to build
a Death Star has been challenged by the wisdom of the crowd, in the form of
a Kickstarter project seeking £543 quadrillion ($US850qn) to design and
build the planet-destroying ...

2 dead in Colombia car bomb blast
The Voice of Russia
2 dead in Colombia car bomb blast. Tags: Society, News, World, Colombia,
FARC, blast. Feb 6, 2013 09:13 Moscow Time. Print · Email, Add to blog.
колумбия полиция оружие. Photo: EPA. Two people were
killed in a suspected car bomb attack by the ...

Rangoon Oil TankerBlast Kills 4, Injures 6
The Irrawaddy News Magazine
RANGOON — A blast and an ensuing fire destroyed two tankers carrying oil
on Rangoon's Hlaing River on Monday afternoon, killing four crew members
and injuring six others, the Rangoon Fire Fighters Department said. At the
time of the accident the ...

Police patrol escapes blast in Peshawar | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
PESHAWAR, Feb 1: A police patrol on Friday morning narrowly escaped a
terrorist activity in Shinwari Town in Paharipura area here. An official of
Paharipura ...

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